Sunday, 8 November 2015


I took an unexpected hiatus there. 

The past few weeks have been hectic.  My mum is visiting and it's been a blast having her around.  We've done a lot of sightseeing and poking around and a LOT of eating.  I've cut back to only 30 minutes of yoga a day, so I need to kick myself back into gear.  It's crazy how much you can tell you miss it!

I have been working a great deal on the shop.  It's taken a lot of focus and determination to get it going and I'm keeping on an upward trajectory!  I did really well with my Halloween releases and it's sort of taught me a bit about what I need to be doing for my Holiday releases.

There is so so much coming!

And that means that there is so so much to do!  I'm going to launch the Holiday shop on what's called Cyber Monday, for those of us in the EU that's the online retail version of Black Friday in the US, which is a massive shopping day.  I'll keep the shop open for three weeks and shut just before Christmas.  That way nothing ships and gets lost in the rush and because I'm having surgery and will use the time to relax!

More details will be available as soon this settle.

In nail news... my #mentalityburns are still healing.  My nail growth is still very brittle and while the damage looks like it's grown out?  My nails are thin and very ridged.  I haven't been able to get much free edge!  I'm working, though, on a new vitamin system and oiling every half hour!

How have you been?  Anyone still lurking?!

With glitter and gratitude!

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