Thursday, 23 October 2014


Yesterday, tragedy struck!  I had a catastrophic break in my pointer finger's nail and there was no way to fix it or save it.  I'd been trying to catch up on the list of manis I wanted to try when all of a sudden, I went to put a new base coat on my nails and the tip was just... gone!  I have no idea what happened!

I cried.   Yes, I cried.  I debated for a while what to do and finally decided to just start over.  You see, once my nails get a certain length, they just curl under.  They get pretty hard to shape and paint, and the one had actually gotten too long to really stamp.
 I spent about half an hour trimming and trying to reshape them.  Now they're pretty dang short, but as they grow I'm hoping to be able to coax the same even claw shape out of them.
In the meantime, I'm going to use the time to my advantage and actually track how quickly my nails grow and keep an eye on their progress.  I plan on using only products from 365,  Sunny's Body Products.  I don't know how inspired I'll be design wise, but we'll have to see.

Wish me luck!

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